In 1990, the Sheriff implemented a full time Training Unit.
The goal of the Training Unit is to develop a training program with relevant training methodologies to
stimulate interest on the part of all personnel. The training materials include video and audiotapes,
lectures and hands-on scenarios. These materials bring to light the practical and ethical problems that officers may face on a day-to-day basis.
Liability issues today encourage comprehensive documentation of all officers' training qualifications and performance.
In cooperation with the Lake County School Board, the Lake County Sheriff's Office has the responsibility to
create and implement effective countywide in-service, recruit, advanced, and specialized training programs
for all law enforcement and correction officers within Lake County. We also
solicit student participation from other criminal justice jurisdictions.
The Lake County Sheriff's Office Training Unit is assigned to the Criminal Justice Academy (Institute of
Public Safety), with a director appointed to oversee the daily operations. The Training Unit works closely with training officers from surrounding agencies to ensure that all the training needs within Lake County are met.
The Sheriff's goal is to offer
specialized courses at the academy, which are beneficial to all law enforcement and corrections officers throughout the