Information Technology
The Information Technology section works in a direct support role for the Sheriff’s Office. Our present responsibilities include computer network administration, hardware
maintenance, software installation/programming, installation and maintenance of Mobile Data Terminals (MDT's). MDTs are used in department vehicles, user training, and computer crime
investigative assistance.
The Information Technology section currently maintains 60+ servers, more than 300 workstations and 350 laptops. Our servers are housed at the Sheriff's Administration Building,
Sheriff's Operations Building, South Lake District Office, and Corrections Facility. We utilize the latest technology from Dell and HP that runs operating systems from Microsoft Windows and
Red Hat Enterprise Linux. The servers provide centralized data storage and management as well as application distribution throughout our organization. We have also incorporated
cutting-edge technology in our data security systems, utilizing advanced features for Internet security, data storage and availability, and virus protection.
Most of our workstations are located at the Sheriff's Administration Building, Sheriff's Operations Building and Corrections Facility while the remaining are at our multiple remote
substations, providing information and services to the public throughout the County. These systems provide our personnel with the ability to perform their necessary duties from anywhere
in the County at any time.
The Sheriff’s Office and our Information Technology personnel also support the majority of Lake County’s local law enforcement agencies. We provide assistance with
installing and maintaining the actual MDTs and the wireless connections to these 100+ units. Our Information Technology personnel are also required to configure and maintain our software
as well as provide in-depth training to our users.
2025 | Lake County Sheriff's Office | All rights reserved
The Lake County Sheriff's Office is an equal opportunity employer