Senior Watch
If you are living alone or have medical problems and you have no one to check on you daily, you can take advantage of the
security provided by the Senior Watch Program.
When you join, you will be assigned your own special identification number. Simply call the Senior Watch telephone operators each morning and tell them how you feel.
If the Senior Watch operators do not hear from you, they will attempt to call you. If you fail to answer the telephone, the Senior Watch will contact
one of your neighbors or a relative, if possible, to check on you. If contact cannot be made with you in a timely manner, a Deputy Sheriff
will be dispatched to your home.
Call the Lake County Sheriff's Office at 352-343-2101 and provide your name, address, telephone number and a few details about yourself such as your age, medical condition and friends and relatives who may live nearby.
2025 | Lake County Sheriff's Office | All rights reserved
The Lake County Sheriff's Office is an equal opportunity employer